In-Ground Pool Equipment & Electrical Specifications


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In-Ground Pool Equipment & Electrical Specifications

Jandy 1 hp FHPM230 Volt 15amp circuit

Jandy JXi 200,000 Btu230vlt 5amp / 120vlt 2.5 amp

Propane or NG inlet ¾ npt

Pool Lighting
Pal Trio Light 12vlt ac 5watt per light
No bonding required
Electrician Provides Transformer
Suggested Transformer (Intermatic PX100 or PX50)

Automatic Pool Cover
Motor and key switch 120vlt/15 amp
Electrician will need to run conduit from the supply to the key switch location and the key switch to the cover box. The typical conduit size is 3/4″.
Electrician will also be required to bond all equipment and mesh grid of concrete and pool walls.
*Please note – Consult your local electrical Inspector prior to job as we have found variations with different inspectors throughout Minnesota*

UV Ozone
230vlt 15amp circuit

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You can see in the pool are the handrail anchors with the #8 bond beam connected, this is after inspection and just prior to being placed for concrete.

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You can see in the corner, the electrician has bonded to the pool wall with a lug and left his bond inside the auto cover box (bonding will be completed after the auto cover motor is installed which is after concrete), he has also bonded the rebar. This is also the area where you will run a conduit from the key switch location.

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This picture shows the typical water bond required, it is located in the equipment area, we provide this and install, the electrician will simply bond into it.